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Share dashboards and panels

When you need to share a dashboard with your team members, you can either send them a direct link to the dashboard, or render and send the dashboard as a .PNG image.

  1. Go to the dashboard that you want to share.
  2. Click at the top of the dashboard to display the panel menu.
  3. Select Share to reveal the Share Panel and either:
  4. copy and send the full URL for the dashboard, OR
  5. toggle the Short URL option to generate a simple link with a unique identifier


If your current domain is different than the one specified in the Grafana .INI configuration file, PMM will ask you to correct this mismatch before you can generate a short URL: !image To fix this

Share as a PNG file

Rendering images requires the Image Renderer plug-in. If your PMM Admin has not installed this for your PMM instance, you will see the following error message under Share Panel > Link. !image

To install the dependencies:

  1. Connect to your PMM Server Docker container.

    docker exec -it pmm-server bash
  2. Install Grafana plug-ins.

    grafana-cli plugins install grafana-image-renderer
  3. Restart Grafana.

    supervisorctl restart grafana
  4. Install libraries.

    yum install -y libXcomposite libXdamage libXtst cups libXScrnSaver pango \
    atk adwaita-cursor-theme adwaita-icon-theme at at-spi2-atk at-spi2-core \
    cairo-gobject colord-libs dconf desktop-file-utils ed emacs-filesystem \
    gdk-pixbuf2 glib-networking gnutls gsettings-desktop-schemas \
    gtk-update-icon-cache gtk3 hicolor-icon-theme jasper-libs json-glib \
    libappindicator-gtk3 libdbusmenu libdbusmenu-gtk3 libepoxy \
    liberation-fonts liberation-narrow-fonts liberation-sans-fonts \
    liberation-serif-fonts libgusb libindicator-gtk3 libmodman libproxy \
    libsoup libwayland-cursor libwayland-egl libxkbcommon m4 mailx nettle \
    patch psmisc redhat-lsb-core redhat-lsb-submod-security rest spax time \
    trousers xdg-utils xkeyboard-config alsa-lib

To render the image:

  1. Go to the dashboard that you want to share.
  2. Click at the top of the dashboard to display the panel menu.
  3. Select Share to reveal the Share Panel.
  4. Click Direct link rendered image. This opens a new browser tab.
  5. Wait for the image to be rendered, then use your browser’s Image Save function to download the image.

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