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Uninstalling Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL

To uninstall Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL, remove all the installed packages and data / configuration files.

NOTE: Should you need the data files later, back up your data before uninstalling Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL.

To uninstall Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL on platforms that use apt package manager such as Debian or Ubuntu, complete the following steps.

Run all commands as root or via sudo.

  1. Stop the Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL service.

    $ sudo systemctl stop postgresql.service
  2. Remove the percona-postgresql packages.

    $ sudo apt remove percona-postgresql-13* percona-patroni percona-pgbackrest  percona-pgbadger percona-pgbouncer
  3. Remove configuration and data files.

    $ rm -rf /etc/postgresql/13/main

To uninstall Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL on platforms that use yum package manager such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux or CentOS, complete the following steps.

Run all commands as root or via sudo.

  1. Stop the Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL service.

    $ sudo systemctl stop postgresql-13
  2. Remove the percona-postgresql packages

    $ sudo yum remove percona-postgresql13* percona-pgbadger
  3. Remove configuration and data files

    $ rm -rf /var/lib/pgsql/13/data

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